Arabic Music Maqamaat
Maqam Ajam and Family
Maqam Bayati and Family
This maqam is a very popular modulation from maqam Bayati | |
Maqam Hosseini is a very popular modulation from maqam Bayati. |
Maqam Hijaz and Family
Maqam Hijaz has two forms shown above. Often the (Hijaz-Rast) form is used on the way up, and the (Hijaz-Nahawand) form is used on the way down. A very important peculiarity of maqam Hijaz is a microtonal variation where the 2nd note (E ) is tuned slightly higher, and the 3rd note (F#) is tuned slightly lower, so as to narrow down the 1 1/2 tone interval. |
Maqam Hijaz Kar and Family
Maqam Kurd and Family
Maqam Athar Kurdi:
Notice that the first 3
notes are a partial Kurd
tetrachord, which is often exploited during modulation. See also maqam Nawa Athar which resembles this
maqam, except the 2nd note is 1/2 step lower. Although maqam Hijaz Kar Kurd has the same tonal intervals as maqam Kurd, it is not a transposed version of that maqam, because the dominant in this case is the 5th snote while in maqam Kurd the dominant is on the 4th note. |
Maqam Nahawand and Family
Maqam Nahawand has two versions shown above. In general the first version (Nahawand-Hijaz) is used on the way up, and the second version (Nahawand-Kurd) is used on the way down. |
Maqam Farahfaza has the same tonal intervals as maqam Nahawand transposed on G. However its melodic development is different, and makes much use of the Ajam trichord on the third (B ). |
Maqam Nahawand Murassah should not be confused with form 1 of maqam Nahawand (Nahawand-Hijaz), since although they both have the same lower and upper ajnas, the starting point of the Hijaz tetrachord (which is also the dominant) is a different note. |
In this maqam the tuning of the third note (F) is played lower than usual. |
Maqam Sultani Yakah is a transposed version of maqam Nahawand, starting on G. |
Maqam Nahawand has two versions shown above. In general the first version (Nahawand-Hijaz) is used on the way up, and the second version (Nahawand-Kurd) is used on the way down. |
Maqam Farahfaza has the same tonal intervals as maqam Nahawand transposed on G. However its melodic development is different, and makes much use of the Ajam trichord on the third (B ). |
Maqam Rast and Family
Maqam Saba and Family
Maqam Bastanikar is unusual because it does not end on the octave (it ends on B instead of B ). The third note could be the starting point of maqam Saba on D, which is a possible modulation from Bastanikar. Also since the first 5 notes have the same tonal intervals as maqam Iraq, it is common to modulate from Iraq to Bastanikar. |
Maqam Saba Zamzam resembles maqam Saba, except the 2nd note is 1/4 step lower. In other words instead of the first 3 notes forming the beginning of a Bayati tetrachord, they form the beginning of a Kurd tetrachord. |
Maqam Sikah and Family